Check your map

Confirm your location...not to mention your phone number, business name and other key information everywhere online

95% of people surveyed say they've found incorrect information when searching for a local business1

Think about what happens when you search for a business online. You get a lot of listings besides just their website — and their site often isn't the first result you get either.

  • Listings on search engines like Google and Bing
  • Online directories
  • Social profiles and pages
  • Listings on mobile apps like Yelp and Apple Maps

The same thing happens when someone searches for your business — they see a lot of listings, all showing your business information...and there's a good chance that some (or even most of it) is wrong.

The wrong name. The wrong address. The wrong number.


Incorrect listings could have a negative impact on your search ranking too. Google doesn't like when online information about a business doesn't match or is inconsistent, so it's less likely to serve up your business in the results.



of people say they lose faith in a local business when their online listings show incorrect information.2

Click to reveal the stat!

of people say they lose faith in a local business when their online listings show incorrect information.2



of people say they lose faith in a local business when their online listings show incorrect information.2

of people say they lose faith in a local business when their online listings show incorrect information.2

Find and fix all your online listings

You need a plan to correct, protect and take control of all your online business listings. It's the first step to getting found online, on mobile, on social and on popular apps!

Keep packing your survival kit!